It's the big 100, and I didn't think this would be around to see 50 posts!
Well...the water is on hold, it's a little more difficult than I originally thought, although I have the multi-layered water, adding the caustic effect is a tad harder though, but it looks great. I will have to find a new way in the future to pull this effect off. To the shot at the left, you can see this effect in action - but the underlying textures are hidden, so I have to find a way to have it "see" through the extrafloor enough to reveal the texture underneath. For now, it reacts really well to bloom and light (the water, I mean).
"Who's the guy with the Tom Cruise smile and the Rainman brain?"
hey boomst1k here, dude that Kurt guy is such a douchebag, what a drama queen. dont let him get to you guys he needs to get a life. i cant believe hes blaming his shitty project on you. its no wonder he doesnt get help. you guys are pushing id's baby far beyond what is possible, in some cases yours looks better than his. if i had some free time i would love to help with artwork but im tied up in other project with gzdoom -.-
when are we going to see some classic blood monsters. keep up the great work -boomst1k
I greatly agree, Boomstick.
Blood monsters are still being coded. Hopefully, when I'm not worrying about detail with water ;) I can get back to them.
Thank you for your continued support and for taking the time to keep up with us. =)
Where is the alpha?
We're working on the alpha. We have to delay it because Gael took a little longer than we thought. Alpha reached an internal build finally, so we're not too far off from a public build. Hold onto yo Butt! =)
alpha! where is! =)
Sorry guys, had to push it back a little. I had to do quite a bit of work on the Dreamcast version last minute, since there's a lot of content that needs to be tweaked for framerate reasons.
hey waters looking good just dont let those people get you down. heard about the alpha, shame but im sure when you guys release it it will be worth the while.
i think seperation the best right now move into the right community and then theyll realize that either or, its blood! =)
Came here from NewDoom, saw everything on that site. Those guys are just scared of your talent to take "what was", and make it into "what will be".
I, for one, am excited about HT because it's something new! New like graphic novels that havent been done in Doom before, new ways of blowing away the Blood monsters, hell i even heard of weapon tweaking! I'm a huge fan of Blood but their forums are a mess of lost cause. Open up your own, and we will follow!!!!
long live blood and doom!
Jesus, did someone mention this project over there or something lately? I'm getting a lot of DOOMers. Not a bad thing. =)
Okay guys, I'm giving us one more month to make this alpha as good as we can make it, and I'll continue to provide updates as always!
The ignorance here astounds me, i honestly find it hard to believe there are followers of such a travesty. This creation is giving Blood a bad name, such a project is collapsing the reputation the game holds dear. None of you seem to understand what Blood is about, why it stood out from the rest and WHY you're killing its soul. If stealing ideas from other games/modifications and using copyrighted material from Blood is a grand idea to you, than no doubt this is a failed attempt to extend Blood.
If people here appreciate Blood, than i have pity on you for giving this diabolic piece of work support. This project is simply not Blood, nor will it ever be.
WOW! Thats a Postmortem poster if I ever saw one....
You guys keep doing the project you want to do. Nice work!
If you dont like it - create your own project, and make it better.
Daedalus and Dimebog anounced Cradle 2 Grave ("hyper mod" for eduke32) summer 2008, and dont't do a shit with it. Just lies and lies, and now the project is dead (from cradle straight to grave).
If you dont like Hypertension - make your own project, and make it better, but don't repeat what happened with "hyper mod"
Well. Time to leave a mark here.
I want you, all those who support this project, know the following:
We critisize and rant about it so much not because we're such douchbags and assholes, not becasue we're jealous that we can't create anything for ourselves, not because we're envoius towards someone's talent, not because we just like to rant.
We are so enraged because this project is just so very wrong. It's turning Blood inside out, raping it, trampling down everything that is appreciated.
In fact, if this project would treat Blood with a proper respect and love we all would gladly give Hypertension support.
Just understand: we all are interested in another project dedicated to Blood. It's for our own good. But the way you guys treat Blood leaves us no other choice.
If the above post doesn't sum up the weirdness of those people at that forum, I don't know what else would :P
These people have a right to do whatever they please with their own project. If you don't like it, go roleplay on your little forum and leave them alone...
To the Anonymous user above Hellen, you've clearly missed the entire point of my statement, your blindness consumes you.
I am not here to argue on any sort of jealousy with this pathetic excuse of a modification, god forbid. If you had paid any sort of attention you would have realised i was arguing on the fact that this creation is destroying the very heart of Blood, this team has no sense how Blood turned into the brilliance it still stands, they don't understand it's true qualities, nor do they gave a damn.
Do you understand now? This project is pure vandalism of a work of art, a piece of art which doesn't need any 'improvements' or 'changes' or whatever else this destruction based team can conjure up, everyone in favour of this work doesn't deserve to be associated with blood.
But i wouldn't expect anyone here apart from Hellen to understand this.
The Postmortem's members seem like a dangerous cult who workship the Blood. If they want a "perfect" Blood re-make why don't they make it themselves? And as far as I know the HT's purpose is to make a Blood inspired game, not a direct carbon copy of it (like what PM members would like you to do).
Also about "resource stealing", the plan is to make the game not contain copyrighted material, isn't it? And for "RAEPING BLOOD" thing, the idea is not to remake Blood in any way so ofcourse things are going to change, realize it.
Keep up the good work!
Again, another anonymous with total disregard of what's been said. At the Postmortem we're not looking to 're-make' anything, so drop this incorrect assumption before you embarrass yourselves.
I'll think you'll find that this project is directly taking resources from Blood, which is copyrighted material, and if they're going to claim this project a standalone away from Blood than they've directly stolen from the game its self, not that it's the first thing they've stolen.
I'm leaving this ruin as of now, so feel free to rant and rave, but realise that you're on the incorrect side of praise, because nothing here shows any sign of respect to Blood. Unfortunately the idiocy can't be tamed here, i wouldn't even be surprised if my messages were removed, but if so, you can't hide your shame.
Mr. Anonymous, Daedalus and myself, and a few others are still silently working on C2G, without making much fuss about it, opening blogs, and similar attention-whoring. Once we have something substantial, we will show it to people. The project has only been put on hold for a while, but was never canceled. Please do not spread misinformation.
On another note, what we have done and demonstrated with it, is much more than this project has, and let me remind you that this project has been announced on February 2008 (long before the team actually ever heard about the game called BLOOD).
Nobody minds whatever type of sodomy and heresy is performed by this little bunch here. What is unforgivable is that a project about a teenage emo girl and her boyfriend Caleb is advertised as 'part of Blood'. If you cannot relate to why that is bad, than you should only be pitied.
OK ELLA and Shitmortem, so get out of here. They can do what they want with the Blood titles. like anonymous said, go make your own game, let these people do what they want.
don't give a shit about your little forum happy place, theres people who love blood that choose to stay out of your "cave" like clari said. the doom community relies on itself to improve and you have to take those ideas. dooms been around longer than blood and your cave is just a spec on the map compared to us, look at our multiple gatherings. that's what makes doom survive. blood will survive with this. fight all you want, we will prevail. so GTFO -boomstik
To I Live...AGAIN
They do have a right to do as they please and people also have a right to express their opinions. If someone wanted to tear apart Citizen Kane, or the Mona Lisa would that be ok with you too? How about adding a teenage girl as a sidekick to a prepubescent Manga boy Caleb, in a woman's coat? You're ok with that? Do you even know what this project is even about or the history behind it? Until you grow a brain, your ignorance is revealed in the words you speak. The same is true of anyone else that supports this travesty.
Well said,
The postmortem assholes can go back to their little roleplaying forum and play with each other.
Everyone in the real Blood community is tired of their constant whining and "we are better than you attitude"
This isn't the first time they have flamed a MOD for no reason. Actually, postmortem does more to destroy the Blood community than anything else.
Keep up the good work Hypertension.
To I Live..Again
Since you didn't even respond to my reasonable questions, you have only proven that you are brainless. The same is also true of anyone else that doesn't have the ability to think and reason rationally.
You cant even post a name coward!
You want an answer to how I feel about your retarded post?
How about Hypertension can do whatever the fuck it wants to do and and there is nothing you or any of the mental midgets at postmortem can do about it.
Now I am done responding to you because this place is for Hypertension, not a place for you to flame and for me to show what close-minded dumbasses you are.
awesome game this will for sure be a landmark doom mod keep it up show them the power of EDGE!
Haha @I Live...AGAIN
Shit man, grow the fuck up, what's a matter with you? Some of you here act like fucking kids fighting over whose got the best pokemon cards or some shit like that. Some people here bashing aren't even FROM postmortem, but at least the ones that are have maturity, unlike you, you fucking child.
I Live..Again:
You've certainly shown how immature and ignorant you are. You can't even respond to a few reasonable questions in a grown up and intelligent manner. Maybe you should actually look into all of the details of what you are defending before ever opening your mouth again.
This mess is a travesty and those that defend it are fools. Is this not a place for comments?
See, the evidence is right there in front of you people, resource stealing, it's just theft and lies. If you still can't see how wrong this is then go shoot yourselves now before your lack of intelligence fucks you over.
Postmortem members are actually right. Just goes to show though, some of you are fucking idiots.
Wow, Fusion is a completely separate, unrelated mod. You guys sure are intelligent.
hahahaha yeah u fucking morons fusion has nothing to do with HT. someone didnt do their homework. fucktards.
i still think we should have gordon cameo as a black fucker with platform shoes and an afro! maybe we can give him a ninja outfit and car-salesman tie! thatd be great.
Also, don't call us thieving. Kurt is stealing models from all of Monolith's projects (FEAR, NOLF, etc) and putting them into his own game. What about the Psycho Circus stuff? No contest. The guy has next to no original textures, either. From what I understand some of them were from Silent Hill. Epic Fail.
People rely on other things, that's just the way it is. So enjoy being all huffy and puffy.
Jesus, these people just don't get it do they? it doesn't fucking matter whether or not Fusion has anything to do with this project, what matters is the fact that this project is on the same level as Fusion, it's stealing resources/material which is copyrighted, if stealing things from others hard work is appealing to you fucking idiots than carry on support this piece of shit.
FUCK these people are stupid.
Hey, obviously people still dug Fusion. So piss off.
Like I said, take all of this through your thick heads and smile. At the end of the day its all you can really do.
Actually, heretic, from what i know, kurt was testing those models, not officially implanting them in the final piece. Also kurt was granted permission to use Psycho Circus, plus there’s no Silent hill material being used either, it's a similar theme.
I can't believe this nonsense! Using Monolith material on a Monolith game is far different then using Max Payne, Half Life, RE, and Blood resources all together in some totally unrelated project.
Kurt was given the actual source code to Psycho Circus by the developers, and permission to use it's resources. Who's permission do you have to use anything that you have stolen?
This just in. Quote from the main blog page:
"The team and I have a goal, it's clear and simple. Re-create Blood, just like Transfusion. Anyone who doesn't like it can go shove it. Seriously."
No word of teenagers, dogs, and emo Caleb girls. That's rich!
"Get off my train!"
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