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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

quick news/updates

Teaser has over 10,000 views...really impressive. All of us here were pretty shocked at the amount of press the game has received.

I've noticed people around the internet wondering when a release would be...we hate setting them. I'm really wanting to say near the middle/end of 2010, at the least...but that's of course, off the record. We really don't have one. There's still so much to do.

But it would be 10 years since the Dreamcast so we're shooting for a playable, incomplete version around that time.

Well back to work for us, you guys should like the new content we'll be uploading in the next few weeks. It'll include some new weapon artwork, new creature artwork, more of the official soundtrack, and some behind the scenes video footage. If things happen like I want them to we should be on track for another video, which will be almost completely different from the ones you guys saw.

I would also like to take time and say that the teaser was never intended for the public audience, as it was an internal thing. So stuff in here will look out of place and probably mismatched (DOOM, etc), the music in the teaser isn't from us, blah blah. Like SegaNerds, who took the liberty to post it, said, "I believe they will be changing any items/enemies that are from other games during development."

So let's keep that in mind! =)

Thanks for all the publicity guys, good or bad! Remember that we have a semi-active IRC room and a forum board.

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