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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Random. .

Random shot. Trying to do one a day now. You can see a new monster type lurking in the background there, but I won't tell you guys this time =)

Aside from severe texture mismatch and lighting issues presented in this shot, it's one step closer to the alpha. As you can tell, we're getting more of the other levels ironed out for the release.
Obviously things in this shot are going to change. Here's the first real shots of the HUD that's very WIP right now. . .

Mmm. Still don't have access to the laptop, which means I'm missing two other monster types, a level, and some cleaner code for the existing monsters. Oh well, we're on a roll. Sooner than you can blink we'll release something. . .

Which should be interesting. The release party. =)


I Live...AGAIN said...

That monster is obviously stolen from the "attack of the Whatever Monster" game!!!!


Corbin said...

Hahahahahahahaha! =)

You made my night Joe!!!